Hannah L Hogan - Videogame, AI, VR, Animation, Voice Assistant, Highlight Reel

Voice Assistant

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
did you say you need help with your homework? Well, you're in luck because I'm a math genius. Okay, let's start with an easy 1. 10 divided by five. Once upon a time, they lived happily ever after in a world of magic Witches, wizards, magical creatures hidden from the Monday in world together. But magic has always had its price high. What would you like to do on stadium search? Would you like to search by venue? There is one basketball game happening at the call. See Marina tonight in San Francisco. You're free here. Breathe deeply in out. Sink into the grains of sand. Feel each one in between your toes. Relax. Take it all in. Good morning. And welcome to the black Mesa transit system. The time is a 47 a m. Current topside temperature is 93 degrees with an estimated high of 105