Viva Video Narration demo

Video Narration


The client wanted a mature and velvety sound for the narration.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


African (General) Nigerian


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Oh yes! Believe us. When we say this skin is breathtaking, glorious, utterly ingenious. Most of all believe us when we say there is nothing more alive than their skin, even if it doesn't look that way, because though it might seem barren, its magic lies dormant deep within like a sleeping giant waiting for the Kiss of Life with a smell and a spray, a lather and a scoop viva believes. And then you see how it plants and glows, sucks up and firms up, how it runs smooth and moved, sleek, how it stretches and flexes during the dance of a million different jobs, every little part of it singing with the thrill of its own existence. Take another look at your skin. Is it ready to wake up viva believe in your skin?