Commercial Demo Mary Cochrane-McIvor

Television Ad


Lara Mercier Cosmetics commercial
Dog Adoption PSA
Rieker's Prime Meats commercial
Equine Adventures commercial
St. Mary Hospital commercial

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
luxurious skin care custom foundations for your complexion. What makes you unique makes you beautiful to find your beauty with Laura Mercier. Can we get a dog? Mom? What? Mom hasn't heard that 100 times, but then I heard about pause at paws. Your whole family can make dogs waiting for a forever home visit. Pause today, wondering what's for dinner. Rikers has you covered from the finest cuts of prime meats and poultry to coleslaw, German potato salad, pasta salad and special friendly service away to at our Fox Chase store. We know a place where the perfect horse, Ah, Forest and a glorious feature Wait. You We are equine adventures will have your horse saddled and ready every day. Saint Mary Orthopedic experts. He'll joints, bones, hands and spines with advanced procedures never before imagined. ST Mary Medical Center It's your health. Expect more