Diversity Is A Privilege

Profile photo for Ed Kelly
Acheivement Badges Top Talent
Video Narration


The best part of this gig is the honor to team with creatives who are so accomplished that you can hardly believe the magnitude of their talent. They write for flow, cadence, emotional dynamic and impact that sometimes leaves me crying in my booth like a baby. Good thing I'm largely a solo act.

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Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
to nourish the planet and healthy sustainable agriculture so that the land, the water nature are renewed and continue to provide food for many generations. To nourish the people on our planet so they can enjoy life equally in good health, safety and joy to nourish the tomorrow, where everyone feels seen equal and proud of who they are, where everyone finds an answer to their basic needs, but also to every limitation, preference and love tomorrow, where the commonalities between human beings are the main thing, and diversity is a bonus that enriches life, where everyone can be proud of their community and their heritage in an atmosphere of openness and cultural freedom, where every parent feels that they are raising their Children in a world of countless possibilities from which they can choose in order to be fulfilled tomorrow, where our responsibility will become a privilege.