Urban Meyer Jacksonville Jaguars Viral Video Inspires NFL Films Doc.

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National Comedy Syndicate in NY I do Sketch Comedy for each day. Yesterday was no exception.

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Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) Trans-Atlantic


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Football films presents illegal use of hands After suffering a loss on the gridiron, Jacksonville Head coach Urban Meyer went out to blow off some steam, but apparently he couldn't resist a little tight end. It seems coach was ready for some touch football. What was his pickup line? Hello darling. I'm Urban Meyer. Would you like to meet my Oscar Mayer? Her backfield was in motion all over his lap. He couldn't take his eyes off her naked bootlegs. But what was he supposed to do? Hit the showers instead. All that night led to was a flag for illegal use of hands.