Radio show

Profile photo for Isaura Odhiambo
Not Yet Rated
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It's some sections of a 10 minute radio show done as my school project which I voiced as the radio host

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) Kenyan (East Africa)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
loaded, tens of them low rises on Where you calling from? Okay, that's good. So your point Are you a student or you are a Villager? I'm a very about Ah. Do you have a son or a daughter? I don't know. I e s So what do you think is a problem? I e you think I'm stupid? Yeah. Wait, don't say that, don't you? You send the money, you pay the tithe in the Q part. You have really been up to the task. You know what you know. I e o ah ee Oh, I Romeo. And so for you. You think that these students are not doing their part? Yeah, Thank you so much, I think.