Reading of Khashoggi's Last Article

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As an ESL Teacher, I give my students current events topics to read and use for conversation topics. This audio is me reading Khashoggi's last known article.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I was recently online looking at the 2000 and 18 Freedom in the World Report published Our Freedom House and came to a grave realization. There was only one country in the air world that has been classified as free. That nation is Tunisia, Jordan, Morocco in Kuwait comes second with the classification of partly free. The rest of the countries in the Arab world are classified as not free. As a result, Arabs living in these countries are either uninformed or mis informed. They're unable to adequately address much less publicly discussed matters that affect the region in their day to day lives. Ah ST One narrative dominates the public psyche and while many do not believe it, ah, large majority of the population falls victim to this false narrative. Sadly, this situation is unlikely to change. The Arab world was right with hope. During the spring of 2000 and 11 journalists, academics and general population were brimming with expectations of a bright and free Arab society within the respective countries. They expected to be emancipated from the hegemony of the government and consistent interventions and censorship of information. These expectations were quickly shattered. These societies, either fell back to the old status quote or faced even harsher conditions. Then, before my dear friend, the prominent Saudi writer Sally L. Chykie, I wrote one of the most famous columns, every published in the Saudi press. He unfortunately is now serving an unwarranted five year prison sentence for supposed comments. Contrary to the Saudi establishment, the Egyptian government seizure of the entire print of a newspaper, Al Masry Al Youm, did not enrage or provoke a reaction from colleagues. These actions no longer carry the consequence of a backlash from the international community. Instead, these actions may trigger condemnation, quickly followed by silence.