Cartoon, Animated Kids Characters - Male - British/English - Funny

Profile photo for Jack Ayres
Not Yet Rated


Animation reel made by Sonic Pond

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (England - East Anglia, Cambridge, Hertfordshire) British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Good job everyone. Of course. I was just pretending to be scared. I'm a hero. It would take more than just a pumpkin mask to scam. So long nitwits! Here's the speech I'll make when I'm the first vegetable on the moon. But fear not. And untwist those knickers. True believers. We rejoin our intrepid heroes in their next daring escapade. The mystery of the stinking baby. I've always wanted to see the parade ever since I was a tadpole, but I forgot about bonding day and I didn't want to let you down. I'm the one who let you down splash. I was so petrified of the balloons that I ruined parade day for you too. Oh yeah. This, this sounds like a case of pneumonia. None your business. That's what here, hang on a mo. You can understand me. Can you well paint me gray and call me a pigeon. I heard about landlubbers like you, but I thought it was all cards, wallet talking to yourself again. Albert, You're crazy. You are a looney lunatic. Are you listening mouse boy. You should go to a school for Weirdos. Here's BB's house where lots of friends come to visit. Oh, look, there comes Roscoe, say hello to Roscoe. It's fast asleep. If I can just move, it's poor then I can. Oh no, we've done it. Who disturbs my rest. Oh goodness, don't scare me like that. I almost dropped my croissant. I have poor reflexes on account of no arms. No, I promise I'm a great singer when I open my mouth. It brings a tear to people's eyes door. Amy first. Solar ti doh No. Oh my God, that's what I was gonna say. No way. We're like so in sync.