Commercial Demo: Car, Pet Chain, Fast Food Chain, Bank, Amusement Park

Profile photo for Jake Emmerling
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


A compilation of radio and tv voiceover clips ranging from car to fast food to amusement park. Recorded in at Chicago Recording Company in Chicago, IL

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
every competitor has a civilized side and a wild one. And when both sides come together there's no place you can't go introducing the wildly civilized jeep. Grand Cherokee, L Summers finally here and at Petco, we've got everything you need to make this summer a summer to remember Petco the power of together Real. This commercial was made to sell more burritos, not real, the color of Stacy's hair. Sorry Stacy. No one's buying it. Chipotle as real as it gets Because every handshake is different. They deserve a partnership. That's one of a kind. See IBC has believed for 150 years that investing in relationships is the first step to helping our clients achieve their financial goals when we shake your hand, know that we're not just invested in your business. Were invested in you Ci BC. Life needs more reason to celebrate more smiles all around more. I wrote this when I was your age more. Whoa. I'm upside down. Life needs more moments worth reliving at cedar point