Narration Reel

Profile photo for Jake Turner
Not Yet Rated


The first section is an example of narration in a North American accent. The second section is an example of a Deep South accent. The third example of a British accent, possibly for fantasy. The last example is a New York accent.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) North American (General) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
If inconceivably strange, these brilliant tales remain in dr Sachs's splendid and sympathetic, telling deeply human. Now wait just a minute now, that joker is so hot. If you touch it, it'll burn your finger clear off. I'll tell you what my good friend said, I will. You be so kind as to tell me the name of this town and inform me where I am. You were know soon enough, replied a man with a gruff voice. Have you ever even had a California burrito? Did? There's like french fries in it and it's like sadness personified. Hey, it's Louie Louie Vincenzo from New Jersey. Get over here, remain seated. Please, Berman, I said. Santa does portable.