Commercial Reel - British, Male, Young, Birmingham

Radio Ad


Commercial Reel

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
festival season is here. Get prepared and enjoy the soundtrack of your summer with ASDA. A cool box is £55. A four person tent is £30 and sit back in a new campaign chair for just £8. Get the ASDA price feeling. No one says growing up is easy. So when you need someone to talk to, Samaritans are there. If there are problems at school, at college, at home or your relationship gets too much, you can talk to Samaritans won't judge you or tell you what to do or listen with an open mind and in complete confidence for as long as you need. Talking can make all the difference. So give your local Samaritans that call. I want to keep the kids entertained and have a great family day out and not spend a small fortune visit for an action packed, fun filled day for all the family with over 60 rides, attractions and shows, plus all your favourite characters and experiences and don't miss out on Zings Villas on tour this year at Gulliver's Warrington, Matt Locke and Milton Keynes, the fun starts at Gulliver's fun dot co dot UK. It's been said that the best songs in the world don't give answers, but instead ask questions. So why? Why can a song changed the world? Because music is a force for good, for change, for whatever. It's bigger than us. It lives inside us because we were all conceived to a 44 beat. Because music can't be stopped, can't be contained. It's never finished because music is worth fighting for. Why? Because it's music. Spotify E four would like to apologise to the tens of thousands of men who apply for the show Lap Dance Island. The truth is that there are no lap dancers and no island. But as compensation, you can laugh out loud as other people get taken for a ride on the pilot show. Starting Monday at 10 30 only on E four