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Profile photo for Jasmine Chiu
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Video Narration


Video VO to excite and educate audience about Alexy as an innovation education platform that addresses the new digital education needs.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the first movers and join hundreds of teachers, educators and companies who choose alexei to see how sustainable education and distance learning to become future proof. Alexei is the leading online platform packed with all the tools that you need to educate learners, train employees or sell courses online successfully. Whether you're moving your classes and exams from on site to online, training your remote teams or monetizing your knowledge. Alexi is the all in one online education platform that helps you transform your expertise into a booming digital learning space, build a stunning portal easily for your online school with zero coding, no design skills and different types of documents offer engaging and memorable learning experiences with interactive courses with videos, quizzes, exams, certifications, life classes and a lot more. Keep track of your learner's progress with in depth analytics, McDonough driven decisions to skyrocket your learner's performance and student engagement at a fast AI features such as AI exam, Proctor learning attention tracker, ai, tutor for oral exam and practice and more helping educators to empower students with personalized learning experiences with alexei. You can get your own branded web portal and manage all your learners data in one place we secure your data on the cloud, launch your online school today. Get started at go teach dot io