Audiobook reading for a paperback Novel .



I voiced the characters and narrator parts live. on the fly.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Over the course of several years, dramatic changes can come about in people's lives. But at the same time, other things can remain the same. This is the case with the passengers of bus number 89. It's a summer morning that as of yet hasn't started to get hot as Tony and Henry sit inside a minivan at the shopping center parking lot waiting for bus number 89 to arrive as they have done in the mornings for years. They're in the midst of several parked cars with occupants that also wait for the same reason soon. Bus number 89 approaches the shopping center. It is a newer and sleeker bus that is now a hybrid. People exit their cars and head for the shelter. That is the bus stop inside the minivan. Tony gathers her things and gets ready to open the door time to go. She says to Henry, are we going to lunch? Sure. Henry says I'll pick you up at noon. They kiss and Tony opens the door. Have a great day. Tony says to Henry with a broad smile. Tony heads for the bus stop to get in the line that is forming as the bus turns into the parking lot, the passengers pay little attention to a bearded young African American man that has been sitting on the bench in the bus shelter. This is Lorenzo, his body now filled out and dressed in a custodial uniform. He looks very different than he did as a high school student, Lorenzo rises to his feet and gets in line when the bus breaks to a stop, the doors open and the passengers board, Lorenzo is one of the first in line. He nods at Avery as he slides his pass through a slot on the top of the money box.