Jason Thomsen - Commercial Demo

Television Ad


This demo was produced by JMC Demos.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Yeah, I'm going to the mall to shop all day. Uh Yeah, that's a hard no target dot com order today. Get it tomorrow, mike jones. He lost both of his legs responding to a fire when the building collapsed around him was pretty badly burned to helping him and his family get a home loan. Yeah, that's the least we can do. I'm Ben Larson, mortgage supervisor, the Suntrust, Salt Lake Branch. How can I help you instagram? Because with friends like mine did not know goats were so aggressive. Any moment can become. I hold my beer moment starts with a question, how do we make things better simpler or more beautiful? Looks are one thing, but how does it work? Being a designer is not about being limited by your tools, but instead being inspired by them. Del helping design better, simpler, more beautiful things that work 99 cent beef chicken and cheese tacos at Taco Bell. Did you say fiesta? Uh