Jas Patrick - British - RP, South, North, East

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Video Narration


Here are quite a few character and more \"realistic\" British accents covering a LOT of ground as far as accents are concerned--not listed are Western type accents; but I can do those as well--just didn't have any demos of them at the time!
Elderly, middle aged, young adult, evil, scary, professorial, professor, teacher, executive, bold, strong, tough, happy, friendly, storyteller, narrator, British, England, UK, announcer, sportscaster, calming, smooth

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (England - Liverpool, Manchester, Lancashire, Cheshire) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
when I was very small. I want to be wizard, You see. Alas, now that I have one, I miss bending my knees. Oh, Buffy, please. Simply having a costly name doesn't let you off the hook. So don't begin your search. Combing for the ordinary and mundane. You deserve something better. If you want something done, you can't muck about in it. You get a proper Geza. I used to work in a library, but But I was sex. No, not for napping on the job, you see? No, no, I was looking through multi picture books. I've been thinking it's been giving me trouble, but I've been doing it anyway. No Salon fairy or Jon Snow Bolt the car. Not myself a lot that sex in the city show. Really good evening. We know permanently incapacitated on Merriman and that bash and I shall endeavour to recite your petrol in pleasing pear shaped tones. We mustn't let that stop us. Short way. No way. Mustn't. Then I think you're mistaking So sausage. I warn you, adventurer this well basin and they will pay cheque. Next up, we have lot 3 37 greasy Gordon's hot and sexual butter up barbecue sauce, boy, You compose and never take me alive mein. The boys will never surrender Way demanded shopper And I don't mean a helicopter. Yeah, Why the constant struggle to get to the top? I mean, what sort of bottom top? There's always saying, Really? What do you really need? I mean, you need some. Yeah. You need some chicks? Ah, maybe a politician. Seven **** saves the maiden fair and is universally known as a senior hop hop, in a way.