Radio On-Air Check Demo Reel 2020

Profile photo for Jenifer Kaplan
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This is a radio air-check which contains sample live on the air breaks. This will showcase diversity of types of breaks, interactions with callers, etc. I also have been able to voice-track multiple stations throughout the country.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
143 The new K B i G. What does it mean when you get one of the best 21st century British rock bands and you see there from Vegas? Only one thing. It's the killer's on 10 for three. The new K B I. G. One of 4.3 miles them. It's Lexie. I was just reading a Stanford University study that's mind blowing to me personally. I like my little girl style, meaning I like a lot of milk in mine. Some people like it straight up with no bells and whistles. It seems as a nation we consume seven billion cups of this a day. Of course, I'm talking about coffee. Seven billion. I was wondering, How does that stack up against chocolate? I mean, that's my kryptonite. Here's the 1975 on my offense. Star 98.7 means more star music. Real star variety. Ellen. Hey, it's like, Hey, sleep. How are you? Good for you. Okay. I was wondering if you guys still doing the Valentine's giveaway. Yes, we are. Are you interested in winning the Muslim? Some I am. But what if you're single? Can you still win. Of course you can. Oh, okay. Good. You could take your girls or just have a nice pampering week for yourself. Just listen this morning to Jamie Jack and Stunt at 6 40 they're gonna give you the details. Also coming up. Lifehouse, Pearl, Jim and a band from the eighties that had one hit one album and broke up at the top of the charts. Who is it? It's coming up on Star 98.7104 point three miles of them. I admit I've been one of them. It seems 47% of us have baked excuses to get out of plans. Yep. That friend who bailed on you on a birthday dinner me had not actually been. According to a survey commissioned by Sling TV. When it comes to passing on plans, nearly half of us have given fake reasons for not wanting to socialize. And 70% of those excuse makers I just want to stay home into LAX and watch TV and a movie. Sometimes self care needs to take the driver seat Theme new 102.5. Wf m f. It's a memorial winning weekend of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Who's this way? While you have 30 seconds to complete an obstacle course. Here we go. Gargle. Your A B. C's turning on the water. I'm getting water. You're doing it. Come on, thing. Next thing I want you to do is turn on your garbage disposal. Okay, Um, in the kitchen. Right. The water from the disposal. I hear it. Now. The last thing you have to do is sing the course of Do you think I'm sexy for Rod Stewart? You want my body and thing station that you, uh, What are today's hit music mix? 107.3 with your favorite retro Friday. I'm Lexi. And, of course, the eighties brings back great memories, including my first concert. I remember walking up the stadium stairs to Culture Club with my mom going. Smells like barbecue in here. And her turning to me saying, Honey, that's just not barbecue. I was thinking of myself. One out, the res regis at them. All of today's best music on Lexie. And, of course, they're going back to the eighties reunion. Who's this? Tell me, what is your favorite eighties memory? Well, I'm at work right now. I have to take quietly with my favorite eighties memory. Gotta be under route. Oh, my God, I love Underoos. What was your favorite pair of eighties under ruse? I just the song for you. Here's our AM Superman on Kiss FM. 104.3, my FM. I love discovering artists, especially when they can take a song and make it their own. That's very true of Meg Myers. She has a very voice. But when she heard of Kate Bush running up that hill from her 1985 release, Med really connected with the material and decided to put her spin on it. She said. This song represents an opening of our hearts in the possibility of acceptance for all. And I couldn't agree more. Here's Meg Myers running up that hill