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This is a range of different conversational reads from the perspective of the knowledgable best friend. Someone you would rely on to be informative and trustworthy.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Just because you're the reliable one doesn't mean you can't have a little fun. The all new Toyota Camry. Let's go places dear dirt underneath my couch. Just because you've been in my apartment for like ever does not mean you get to stay forever. Who do you think you are? My cousin Tracy? Say goodbye to dirt for good Swiffer? Talking to your friends about their mental health? Is heart regretting that you never did. That's even harder learn how to get the conversation started at csd awkward dot org. Warm grain bowls from Panera full of flavor, full of freshness, full of Wait, are you kidding me, lunch is getting the upgrade it deserves. Panera. Being able to try a pair of glasses for free is cool. Being able to try five pairs that's even cooler. Pick your five to try at Warby parker dot com. We are living through one of the most important, unpredictable, exciting and consequential moments in history. Don't miss a single story, download the NPR app.