Jennifer Wilder Elearning HR

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Video Narration

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
you might be able to compare your first job to your first ride on a merry go round. You're really excited for the ride to get started, but after a few revolutions, you quickly figure it out. There's not much to it. Your horse, it goes up a little, Then he goes down a little. Everybody around you seems comfortable on their horses, but you, you know something is missing your stock. Traditional water projects deal with large utility infrastructure, but their solutions often fail to reach those living in rule or informal settings. For these reasons, people are now looking toe off grid micro utilities because they're less capital intensive. There may be incentives for the private sector to build and continue to operate them. The device interfaces with many medical equipment choices like blood pressure monitors, Glueck, Ometer, Pulse Oximeter and Weight scale. Whenever a patient uses any of these off the shelf devices, the data is automatically uploaded into the cloud. Back and algorithms monitor this data, and if any of the values are outside the parameters that are set by the patient's doctor than a notification is generated and sent to a medical team member