


6 characters from various movie , tv network shows and videogame jobs

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (South West - Texas) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
now. This is very important, Gary. Which tuna Casserole? Dita. I ask this because the one on the left has cyanide in it. And the one on the right is for dinner tonight. Okay, You're gonna want to bury that one in the backyard. Who really dodged a bullet there, didn't we? I I have to watch Hamlet. Do you know who I am? Shouldn't one of the common students do it? Oh, and don't forget the voice. Bathroom anti nor lease. I'm sure Carmen would love to give it a good spring cleaning. Would you like it if your man left you for a no older woman? Older woman? When does that ever happen? That's no lie. Can I ever find the right guy? Tried all the dating website. Nobody. Right to be back on middle aged english dot com Cougar, Chad or ready to settle. Hello, Person of the humanoid persuasion. My name is looted a lot. 3000. Another board was an ex dxy calculator. But I never really knew my father born sniff bleed Blue ho Great! The idiotic door won't open when you push the way. Watchdogs This crime What? This ship is exploding her huh? Hey, buddy. Hey, uh, eso I know things got a little weird yesterday, but I think in the end, everything worked out. Okay, Like I smoothed out things with my parents and I'm not going to ST Olga's, So we're good, right?