Radio Ad


This demo mainly showcases my commercial and promo voice.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
So just swipe, tap and go with chilies. App. It's lunchtime on your time, only a chili's. That's my boy. High five. Yeah, well, that will be your next lesson. Ketel One. Gentlemen, this is vodka, and you could connect more track for even more action with the Hot Wheels track system, the stunning future of entertainment is streaming on Netflix and ultra HD four K. You really have to see it to believe. Why run all over the place when you could get exactly what you need with just a few clicks on Zappos dot com, and you'll even save a few bucks to. This is the iPad with retina display, and this is the new Kindle Fire HD injustice. Extend the game toe iPhone and iPad fund. Yet vacations do something you'll never forget. When I'm sick, I try to diagnose myself on the Internet on. That could make a bad situation so much worse. Unfortunately, going to see the doctor isn't much better, but when it comes time to making the right choices for your business, you want even more