Mastering the LSAT: A Student's Guide to Success (audition)

Profile photo for Jerome Moore
Not Yet Rated


This audition was submitted regarding the ACX audiobook project \"Master the LSAT: A Student's Guide to Success authored by Steve Schwartz

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
my L. S. A. T. Story. I have been coaching the L. S. A. T for over 10 years. I originally wanted to be a lawyer and was targeting the top 14 law schools, but I got sidetracked and found myself obsessed with the L. S. A. T. I never did go to law school but I found my calling, running a test prep company L. S. A. T. Unplugged as well as the related Youtube channel and podcast. I went to an ivy league school for my undergraduate degree, so getting a 152 for my first L. S. A. T score was a bit of a surprise to say the least. It took me a whole year to crack the code and get a score of 175. Once I did, I thought to myself, hallelujah, I want to spread the word, friends from high school and college started asking me for help with their test prep and things snowballed from there. After graduating from college I started teaching the L. S. A. T. Full time and haven't looked back since I specialize in coaching students who want to improve their scores, overcome test anxiety and master the L. S. A. T. I've been through the process and climb my way from a perfectly average score to the 99th%ile. The good news is that I put 98% of my material out there for free. I have released countless hours of free material on the L. S. A. T. Unplugged Youtube channel and podcast and I've authored over 1000 articles on every element of L. S. A. T. Preparation through my website. I have in depth study regimens and schedules that are unlike those supplied by the big test prep companies. I also record my one on one coaching sessions with students so that you can directly experience what it's like to work with me and gain new insights along the way. This book is an easy to use summary of everything I've learned in my years of living and breathing. The L. S. A. T. I break down how to master every L. S. A. T. Question type share my best study strategies and take you step by step through the test day and beyond what is the L. S. A. T. The law school admission test. L. S. A. T. Is used to determine if a student has the skills necessary for success in law school because it's correlated with first year law school grades. The L. S. A. T. Is graded on a scale of 1 20 to 1 80 with 1 20 being the lowest possible score and 1 80 being the highest possible score. The median score is around 151 which means half the test takers scored higher. Half scored lower. The L. S. A. T. Has three scored sections, analytical reasoning section A. K. Logic games, One logical reasoning section and one reading comprehension section. Logic games are short puzzles somewhat mathematical seeming in nature, logical reasoning is comprised of brief bite sized arguments. Reading comprehension may look like something from the S. A. T, but it's actually looking for you to analyze arguments presented rather than absorbing the information itself. A 4th unscored and undisclosed experimental section is also included, which I'll cover in more detail later for now, I know that it will typically be one of the three major section types logic games, logical reasoning or reading comprehension. And finally there is an unscored writing sample administered separately. Ultimately, the L. S. A. T is designed to assess two major abilities, short term working memory and critical reasoning skills. In other words, the test makers wanted to gauge your ability to properly examine, evaluate and analyze arguments if you're looking for more detail beyond what I share in this book. My L. S. A. T courses include in depth explanations of each section and question type. And if you think the L. S. A. T doesn't test anything important, you'll soon find out that there are skills you'll use in law school when you will be evaluating real legal cases in real life scenarios that are more similar to L. S. A. T. Style questions than might seem obvious. At first glance why take the L. S. A. T. The L. S. A. T has been in existence since 1948 and has evolved through many formats over the years. However, the current major question types, logic games, logical reasoning and reading comprehension have remained largely the same since 1991 despite a few minor changes, Such as the addition of the dual reading comprehension passages in June 2007, which I discussed later, The L. S. A T is significantly harder than the G r E g mat, M cat, S A T A c T, et cetera. It's unlike anything you've learned in school. It doesn't test math or vocabulary. Rather it puts your critical thinking skills and short term working memory to the test. Often times, students are in for a rude awakening when they first encounter the L. S. A. T, but it can be conquered in the end. The L. S. A. T. Is considered a valid and reliable admission test because it has a strong correlation with first year law school grades, interpreting arguments on the L. S. A. T. Is highly similar to interpreting fact patterns. In law school, on the L. S. A. T. There are ambiguities in the fact patterns. The job of the test taker is to spot these ambiguities and identify the gap in reasoning between the evidence and the claims conclusion. This skill is crucial for both law students and attorney's working in are often ambiguous. This legal system. The L stat is designed to test your ability to read carefully and in detail as an attorney. A small word change or even a comma can radically change the meaning of a document which could have a significant impact on a client because the L. S. A. T. Is so challenging. Improving your L. S. A. T. Score requires a lot of hard work. However, getting the highest possible L. S. A. T score will dramatically improve your chances of getting into the best law school and minimizing your debt load with scholarship money. Some of my students have even gotten full rides to law school, paying nothing intuition, along with living stipends. Yes. You can actually get paid to go to law school. The key is to achieve an L. S. A. T. Score above the median for the school in which you're applying. Why would schools offer such generous scholarships because it raises their status in the U. S. News rankings?