Win From Within (audition)

Profile photo for Jerome Moore
Not Yet Rated


This audition was submitted for the ACX audiobook project Win From Within : Keys to Overcoming the Past, Mastering the present and Conquering the Future authored by Robert Marshall

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
often when we feel pain, it's because we live in fear and many times we don't even recognize the fear as fear. We're so used to the way we think speak and act, that it's hard to imagine to be completely free. For example, if you move to a new area, do you do certain things so that you give the right impression to the neighbors? Do you, for example, make sure your garden is pruned? Do you feel like you need to be friendlier than ever to give the right impression? Or perhaps you are afraid to speak your truth with friends and family? Perhaps there are things you would like to say but are too afraid to and therefore you meant your words and cover up your real message. Have you ever been in an argument with someone about a minor issue and it suddenly occurred to you that you're not even really expressing what you're upset about. For example, do you argue about silly things with your other half when really the underlying issue is most of the time you feel like you're not receiving the love you expect from him or her? We are used to behaving in a way that makes our day to day living comfortable and easy, but that's an illusion. What we really end up doing is not speaking and living our truth and we're denying ourselves true expression from our heart because we're worried about what others might think what the consequences might be and that the end up in a situation that's worse than if we were just continued pretending recently, a friend asked me for advice. She'd invited a friend of hers around for dinner, and her friend wanted to bring another friend. She wasn't comfortable with that, and she wanted to spend time alone catching up with her friend, having spent some time contemplating how to best explain the issue to her friend without hurting him, she asked me how I would approach the subject. My advice was to say exactly what she had just told me to tell the truth from her heart.