Narration Demo

Profile photo for Jessica Sunshine
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Primarily documentary, eLearning and video narration focused.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
when the Colbert rapport debuted in 2005, people didn't know what to make of. It. Was Stephen Colbert actually a narcissistic blowhard who was obsessed with President Bush or was he just pretending to be a long time fans knew it was an act. But one person who apparently didn't get the memo, President Bush, the most amazing thing about cheetahs isn't just their speed, but how they reach those speeds. Just look at their spines. Cheetahs spines are incredibly flexible, allowing them to coil and explode with every stride almost like the pistons of an engine. Okay, so you set up your garden in the perfect spot close to a water source with just the right amount of sun. Now, what first? You need to figure out your pruning schedule. Bring flowering shrubs like lilacs and climbing roses need to be pruned immediately after the bloom fades, prune them too late and you might remove next year's buds at three years old, Children are taking strides in their social emotional development, they're learning how to take turns, they're starting to empathize with their friends and they're beginning to understand the idea of mine and yours. They're also copying the behavior of adults, something every parent should keep in mind