National, Regional, and Local television, radio and online ad samples.

Television Ad


Television and Radio commercial samples, some with character voices. A longer-than-normal demo highlighting different male voice age ranges. I can be the Fun guy next door maybe a bit serious or annoying but clear and resonant.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
live from the built Ford Tough sports desk on 1055 ESPN. Since there have been men, there's been brotherhood, the guys tackling that mammoth in those cave paintings, brother. Whether it's work or play Honda, A TVs prove only the strong survive. Warning. Jack, the new milk-based breakfast bourbon available The liquor stores Every other day I walk into the new epic restaurant. You didn't just walk in. Just showed in, sir. Okay, if you say so. Anyway, there was this big TV. Now that's a bit of an understatement. Huge, a full 30 feet wide. It was ample. Look, do you want to tell the story? No. Find a world that loves movies in a household where board games reign supreme on a couch with frilly throw pillows. Hey, I have a knock-knock joke for you. Okay, go ahead, knock knock. Who's there? House. Go cows Go! Who knows Silly cows Go Moo Eyes is celebrating 140 years of its iconic. Constantly evolving 501 jeans. Two unlikely partners are going to make the world believe he's stronger. He's faster. He's Gerbier. Okay, top three reasons. I can't miss the Home Depot home Shell Number three. When it comes to the latest in home innovations, my curiosity gets the best of me. They don't teach it in school and there's no written manual, but we all have it. Are we born with it? Is it passed down from our father? In a busy world, we managed to remember to lock the door to your house and set the alarm. We install sensors, smoke detectors, and surveillance equipment to keep us safe meat. Barra. Like so many small to midsize business owners, she just transitioned her firm to a business phone system from bondage. Business Solution is Bill Bill goes to bed each night dreaming of owning in new Mercedes Benz. More savings more doing. That's the power of a Jeff Fox voiceover.