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Characters written for the older adult audience. Radio/TV/Internet Commercials and Podcast Intros.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I worked for 35 years, but it seems on busier today in retirement than when I was younger. In our home kitchens, where the family gathers dinner, homework, games, you name it. It all happens in the kitchen. I hate to go to the doctors because you wait so long. It's like they don't respect my time. A Call to Adventure hosted by Alexopoulos and John Duckworth's An exploratory conversation about facing the unknown. This is grace with a reminder from AARP that your membership is about to expire. Efficient roofing reminds us to prepare for the upcoming monsoon season. It can be rough on your roofs. Minor damage. Concern into major repairs quickly. I'm looking for a safe and secure retirement fund with guarantees. Fox News on the Bare Brought to You by Bo Jangles, who remind you that those hot, fresh made from scratch breakfast biscuits are available morning, noon or night. I discovered Del Manor, a try del inspired retirement rental residents. Right in my neighborhood, I enjoyed daily activities, hotel style service, and I always dine with friends