Television Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Jim Wornell
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Several short television commercials.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Did your mom drink Diet Coke? You bet she did. She also made human beings cut your hair and taught you how to talk. So, yeah, drink what your mama gave you. Imagine a car that could see accidents before they happen. This is the new Ford Escape with Copilot 3 60 technology to help you outsmart road ahead. When I used of clean comfort in the morning, I know we'll be protected all day, even later in the afternoon. I can still feel confident, and that's a big relief. I'm Jake and I use Dove men plus care. Clean comfort. I'm going to say a few words and you tell me how they make you feel. Honey. Chicken basket hungry Yet Wendy's life changing breakfast We've never been closer to a cure, But to get over that final hump, we need one big push. Join us a cancer dot Oregon. Be part of the generation that cures cancer. I mean, seriously, what is the stain? Second, don't tell me, because with tide power pots, it doesn't matter if it's gotta be clean, it's gotta be tied