Commercial Audio Reel

Video Narration


Demo highlights my younger tone and conversational delivery. It also highlights my personality, range, and character.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
when you need to take a moment for yourself, try to as a juniper mint, blackberry, prickly pear Chazz Oh ti's. It's Disney plus all the movies you want when you want. Where you want Disney. Plus, look at her. I went to T. J Maxx ago. All the latest fashion. Who I could do that to? You know, this is my angry boy. Some people fear me, including my boyfriend. It's not my fault he forgot the hugging dot You want to keep me happy? Don't forget the hog dog. Um, I'm like a techno foe. I'm allergic to technology. Hopefully with best buy. Take care of everything. E could go organic. I could go. Impossible. I go impossibly organic. The new organic burger from impossible. Impossibly delicious. Hey, Mom, it's me. Yeah. So I'm gonna need a little bit more money again. You can do it through Western Union. That's fine. Love you, Mom.