Your Favorite Cocktail



Novel, Spy, Fiction, Suspense....

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) Korean North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I am told your favorite alcoholic drink is a martini cocktail. Three measures of Gordon's, Our little the muth, A twist of lemon. The whole thing to be shaken, not stirred. It sounds to me a ridiculous amount of effort for what it is after all, no more than an inebriate. But as you are my guest, I have endeavoured to satisfy you. Miss Rain will drink the same. I am sure you will see that I know everything about you, Mr Bond. Double 07 of the British Secret Service. You have a license to kill. Does that mean you came here to kill me? I wonder, is it smash? That is your true target. They were very pleased that you and I had crossed paths. They have a very high opinion of you. You might like to know. Colonel Kasparov asked me to send you his very warmest good wishes. Well, tell the Colonel I look forward to catching up with him. That is unlikely to happen. Your cigarettes are made by Mormons. Have golf in the street. I was unable to procure and he givens a short space of time. But you are welcome to smoke. If you wish. Zin nodded and one of the guards placed a packet of Vice Roys and a book of matches on the table. Bond took one and lit it. He noticed he had been supplied with just two matches. We have made an a rab a rate ritual of eating, which is what animals simply do their head in a trough. But these extraneous habits drinking and smoking, I find completely incomprehensible. Still, I would not wish to deprive you of your ***, Precious. At the same time, we must get down to business. I am going to tell you the story of my rife, Mr Bond. It is a unique story, quite remarkable in its own way. I am sure it will be of interest to you, and I will admit it gives me some satisfaction in relating it. I also know that I can confide and new for the simple reason that you will be dead. This was inevitable from the moment we met and you would have done better to have stayed away. Knowing you to be a man of considerable resource. I am sure that even now you are considering what action? What countermeasures to take I should therefore warn you that therefore, God's in this room will be watching your every movement. Every second that you are here, their attention is focused on you 100%. If you so much as twitch a little finger in a manner that causes them concern they will react. Do I make myself understood perfectly? Bond replied. This face revealed nothing, but at the same time, he folded away a tiny note of hope. Once again, Sin had said more than he had perhaps intended revealing a weakness that might just possibly be used against him. Good, good. Let me begin. I imagine you do not know very much of the country that gave birth to me, Mr Bond to the world, Korea is a far away place of great strategic, significant spot off little interest in itself. When I was born in 1927 it was occupied by the Japanese, a brutal race who treated us as little more than animals, stealing our food, crushing our traditions and trampling our heritage underfoot. We were finally liberated from them on the 15th of August 1945 a day I will never forget the entire country celebrated It was the first time in my wife that I have seen our own flags waved in the street, and at last we thought our identity would be returned to us. This optimism was short rift. First of all, the country had been quite arbitrarily divided into two with a lying crossing the 38th parallel, and this would soon have disastrous consequences. After rigged elections and with the support of the Americans, a new president, Syngman Rhee, was voted into office and quickly proved himself to be ruthless and dictatorial. Strikes and demonstrations, assassinations and acts of terror quickly followed. Even large cities became prone to attacks by Communist guerrillas. The police and government were incompetent and corrupt. We had nowhere to turn.