Gary Golden, Lead Futurist... Demo

Video Narration

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Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


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Quick Win Futures wheel Gary Golden Lead futurist. Often times when we read about a trend or innovation, we don't consider how that might disrupt our industry, product or service in the future. A future mindset gives us the ability to take mental leaps and imagine implications that may never have been conceived before. Futurist using activity such as future mapping to organize their thoughts about a future development of a trend. As you can see, the future map is a graphical representation of the direct and indirect future consequences of a particular disruptor change or development. The best way to apply the future map is around a trend that captures your imagination. To start a future map, select a trend that peaks your interest or scares you and write it at the center of your page. You could take a current trends, such as driverless cars as an individual or with the team. Think about the positive and negative outcomes of this trend and write the men respectively, connecting them to the middle with lines like the similar to branches. For example, a positive outcome from driverless cars could be automobile related fatalities drastically decrease, then add another branch to signal another layer of implication, for instance, how the decreased fatalities then leads to a shortage of organs. Then add another branch to signal another layer of implication. For instance, how the decreased fatalities can lead to a shortage of organs. You will find that the ideas you come up with aren't anywhere close to where you started, such as a potential increase in the black market for organs.