Pair Ex Bit Coin Explanation Demo

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Middle Aged (35-54)


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the early history of Bitcoin. Bitcoin may not be that old, but already has a long and fascinating history. Today we will be looking at some notable events that occurred since Bitcoin was first announced in 2000 and eight August 2008. The U. R L Bitcoin dot org's was officially registered in October. An unknown group of persons or person going by the name of Santoshi Nakamoto released a white paper explaining a peer to peer Elektronik cash system called bit coin. In January of 2009 the very first block the Genesis Block, was mind. A week later, the open source implementation of Bitcoin was released. The next day, the very first Bitcoin transaction of 10 Bitcoins was recorded on the Blockchain. It is reported that Mr Nakamoto had mind around one million Bitcoins in its early days, which are worth more than $6 billion bilion dollars in today's market