John Henry Krause - 3M (The Language of Healthcare)

Video Narration


Corporate video for 3M explaining their healthcare program

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
language turns what is abstract into something meaningful through language. We are able to share feelings, ask questions and discover new things. The world of health care is no less complex, so it's no wonder it has a language. All its own three AM has been speaking it since the beginning. Innovators at three AM. Health information systems, recognized patterns and structure in the culture of healthcare. Using clinical logic, we developed patient classification methodologies that became a lexicon of their own tens of thousands of diagnosis and procedure codes that were once hard to decipher now translate into groups that tell significant stories. Today, three M methodologies are an intrinsic part of every health care conversation from patient care to facility processes to accurate payment and reimbursement. In fact, by truly immersing themselves into the language of healthcare, organizations are now able to learn more about patient populations, analyze healthcare performance in new contexts, provide value based care and reveal meaning behind care efforts they haven't considered before. Mm hmm. It all comes back to a language that enables patients, providers and payers to navigate the increasingly complex world of health care so, as you aim to interpret new problems, challenge the status quo and start new conversations, rest assured we're speaking the same language. Uh huh.