Documentary Narration for Youtube Videos

Video Narration


Multiple Youtube documentary narratives showcased on this reel in under :60 seconds

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
jOHn Rayner voiceover Youtube narration liam Neeson is an irish actor whose career spans nearly five decades celebrated for both his work on stage and on screen. He's continued to entertain audiences in a wide variety of different roles. The NFL harbors some dark secrets amidst the record breaking seasons and storied comebacks and the 102 year history of the NFL stories of Achievement and Triumph have often overshadowed these stories stories filled with tragedy and heartbreak. These horrifying tales have been quietly ignored and overshadowed until now. And if you're wondering whether a tiger would win in a showdown against a lion, you'll definitely want to stick around for number one because the Jungle may well have a new king, john voiceover, Hey, it's john here, just hopping on and thanking you for making it to the end of my demo. I look forward to helping you complete your next project. Take care and God bless.