Imaging Voice for CIRR Toronto/103.9 PROUD FM

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This is one of two small radio stations that I voice imaging for. It's a little wacky, but I do my best to put everything into a believable read.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I found the pride of Dorado. Now that you found us, Chemical finds him adore these other friends. Door These a really popular girl. You must be friends of Dorothy. A lot of friends. It's got a lot of glitter. 1039 and it's pretty fabulous. Proud of them later. Okay, that's enough for now, until, like a couple of backstage passes to the Tony Award winning musical in my pants. Uh, what? Sorry. I heard Tony and pants and I got all excited. I wasn't listening. Well, 39 crowd at. It's an acquired taste used to it, but 039 Proud of bound like us. Follow us. Be our best pals. Follow proud of them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Todd Recall comes to Toronto with American The Forbidden Tour at the Opera House on April 17th and proud at them. Has your ticket ready to party? 1039 Proud FM isn't just bringing the party to pride. We are the party were no Warbucks, but you can still call us daddy. Good morning, Daddy. What? 039 Proud of down. We are the village. We are the junction. We are Leslie Bill. You're the pride of Toronto. No. 39