Concrete Graveyard (audiobook retail sample)



Narrated & voiced characters for 'Concrete Graveyard,' audiobook version, part of a detective series of books.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Harris hurried back upstairs and went to the living room. Now if he was correct, the wall was just about there where the living room bled into the dining room, so if he took a few steps forward, he heard it. A floorboard creaking too loudly. He kneeled down, wrapped his knuckle against the floor. It rang out hollow Harris through the rug back, exposing the floor in a small hole, perfect for a finger to slide in and hook lifting upwards, exposing another set of stairs, criminals. In some ways they were unendingly predictable. He followed it down. This room was smaller, darker men had everything he was looking for tools such as rope, a hatchet and chloroform were on one wall neatly organized. There were a few photos on the wall, photos of walter casket as a younger man standing with various other people. Harris didn't recognize most of them and the others just looked vaguely familiar, but it didn't take a genius to figure out that most of these must be Castellini people and therefore unsuitable to hang upstairs. There was a washbasin, heavy rain boots, a coat, all kinds of supplies for someone who needed to wear clothes that were easy to wash any blood off of and a basin to do it in. And they're on a desk was a ledger, a ledger listing the kills the locations and many other details. Harris realized that cask ale must use it to make accurate reports to the Castellani is and for posterity's sake. The mafia were notorious for wanting everything accounted for and recorded properly so that it could all be double checked. Harris kind of had to admire that about them. Sometimes they were more organized than the police after the famous Al Capone had been arrested because his taxes weren't done properly. Nobody wanted to be the idiot that got sent to prison over improper paperwork looked like he was right. The apple hasn't fallen far from the tree at all. John was continuing his father's work. Harris could take the ledger, but then you'd have to explain where he got it and he didn't have a warrant. The police would have to give it back and he would be unable to present it as evidence in court because it had been illegally obtained. No, he had to get the police to come to the house and search it themselves. Harris carefully cleaned up any trace that he had been there. And when he got a good distance away, he placed a call to Barrett. I've got him. He told her CASS kill, she asked. He could hear her excitement on the other end of the line, his son, but I'm sure threw him. We'll get the old man as well. He's shorter. But you'll need to get a warrant to search the guy's place. And he saw a car coming down the street, john kass skill at the wheel. He ducked behind a hedge, watching as the other man drove past. Hopefully he hadn't been seen Harris. Barrett asked. Yeah, I'm here, you'll need a team of men just in case there's a lot of evidence here and if casket is still around, he won't be fun to deal with.