Funeral for a Celebrated Friend
Vocal Characteristics
EnglishVoice Age
Middle Aged (35-54)Accents
North American (General)Transcript
Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
We are here to mourn the loss of a great visionary showman and friend to all present in this room. His legacy was a mix of brilliance and humility and utter authenticity. Though he lived his life in the public eye, he was an intensely private person who knew him well, knew this about him, but they also knew the totality of his heart, mind and soul, all of which he gave freely to those he loved and held dear. Those who heard his music felt his presence and were warmed by the spirit he infused into that music, an infectious spirit that stayed with the listener. Long after the song had ended, he gave everything he had to the world and the world gave him their love and loyalty in return. And that's all anyone can ask in life. His was a life well lived and his memory will live on in his music. Thank you all for paying your respects. He would have been so happy to see you all here.