Jonathan Fair Voice Range Reel

Profile photo for Jonathan Fair
Not Yet Rated


This demo reel shows a decent range of the voices I can do. Starting with a more rough and low growl voice, used to play more tough and big characters. Second being a higher pitched more fun and bouncy character. Finishing with a voice in-between, with this one being more posed, but I can do more.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
mm hmm, mm So you wanna fight me man. It's funny because despite you being so much more than be, are those bigger guys out there afraid to step into the ring? But you you're not like them, are you? You know you're about to die, but yet you still choose to fight me. This is going to be fun. Oh, this is entertaining why I'd say this is the most fun I've had in minutes. In fact, it's not even my birthday. Right, hold on. Did you see here? 11 2nd, one second. Would you look at that? It is my birthday. Mhm. Oh is it life bliss? Ah well, back to the party then two, my adoring public. There have been a lot of rumors going around as of late that I am corrupt. That I I'm not all that I say that I am. I wish to dash these rumors. You should know that I am always here for my adoring little under length and that you have nothing to be afraid of.