Jonathan Popp -TV Ad - Metaverse - Informational, knowledgeable

Video Narration


Informational, conversational, natural, knowledgeable

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
science and technology are endless wisdom creates a better life in the future. With the establishment of the four concepts of metaphors spatial temporal reality, authenticity, independence and connectivity. Stars then set out to build a new type of open world metaphors. The second world was born at this right moment. It is a new type of urban simulation metaverse planned and developed by the Blockchain team of Stars Foundation based on the newly developed black chain is the underlying technology and through the concept of metaverse it is dedicated to realizing the great dream of being on the beach and traveling around the city anytime anywhere. The second world metaverse is a 1 to 1 restoration of the real Earth through stars public chain technology bringing new endless creative space and interactive fun allowing humans to create their ideal life in this virtual world. By putting on VR and AR devices people can enter this virtual world with a strong contrast with reality. In the second world there are bustling cities, realistic landscapes and humans of all shapes and colors. Users can customize elements such as gender, nationality and the looks of their metaverse characters. The second world runs in the same way as the real world. Humans can study work shop, socialize, eat and earn money in the second world. There is also a perfect economic model. All the economies of the internet today can be landed here. The e commerce platform is the actual mall. The e commerce is the store owners at the same time. The second world has a 1 to 1 land mechanism with earth. Humans can buy and sell land, build houses, live or rent in real life. You may live in the mountains or seaside with the internet when putting on the VR glasses, you can exist everywhere in the second world. So to achieve the living two lives in both worlds dream in the virtual world, the second world creates, Humans can play without any worries that it may affect the life of the real world. Humans can have the same touch and experiences as the real world, being able to experience the beautiful landscape of the world without leaving home, just like living the life of a parallel world. The second world metaverse breaks the barrier between the virtual and the real, thus allowing humans to experience different lifestyles in an infinite metaverse, this is the ultimate goal of the Stars Foundation, the second World, a world of wonders that can be explored at will