Corporate Branding Advertisement

Video Narration


Ultra-quick turnaround time (less than 8 hours). Voicing and production done myself.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
15 minutes. Could save you on your car insurance, your vehicles extended warranty is about to expire. My manager said that if you signed by the end of the month that he'll give you this price so low, I won't get commissioned. Well, well actually our users order 14% fewer new assets than non users to maintain the same capacity six months to R. O. I. Or your money back. But I've never signed anyone at this price before. Stop it. Bad salesperson. Look, we here at monkey business consulting, understand that marketing is all about compelling calls to action. But we also know that those calls are issued by mermaids and sirens who lie so much that they show up as suspicious caller on some phone plans by partnering with a ringleader from monkey business. We can teach your team to stop selling with lies and start branding with storytelling. Our ringleader will help select a team of employees from within your company. Train them to become storytellers lead and nurture their continuing development while also sourcing and participating in community level service projects and giving campaigns strategically designed to generate intent for anyone paying attention to do business with your brand instead of all the other companies who consider themselves your competition. We may be monkey business but we are serious about the art of branding and we are dedicated to the success of companies that partner with us. And we are accepting new partners