Online Ad


The audio from an ad I voiced about a year ago.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
A wave, A digital wave, powerful and agile. It's revolutionizing the way you work and think it seamlessly surrounds your everyday life. Mhm. And it's cold. The cloud. The cloud is a new light, a new focus, a new life at sight tech. We know the cloud and what it means to improve and adapt to the times. So work remote with access to all your digital files and drive your team with innovation that leads to connected, secure and productive work. Put an end to old methods and unproductive technology systems, you care about change and the world is changing all around us. Let's use technology to bring people together to better educate, conserve and to build a better tomorrow. Working together with Cytotec