American Male Commercial Voiceover w Wide Array of Tones & Inflections

Television Ad


This is my voiceover reel! It includes samples of different voice styles. I have 20 years experience, and can match a wide array of tones, timbres and inflections. Looking forward to doing great work together soon!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
a life well lived, is lived in socks. They help you run marathons or run errands. They can take a back seat or center stage when navigating the world of commercial real estate. You need more than just a broker who will walk you through the process. You need a partner and a trusted ally. This is a simulation of the typical process for creating glue lamps or glue ups, which is to manually apply the glue and then stack the wood into clamps. It's no secret that a happy wife makes for a happy life. But in the case of Jamie Symon off, it also made for a billion dollar business. There comes a certain time in any endeavor of no turning back a jump off point of all or nothing. No gray area, you're either all in or you're not at Allegiant Industrial, we're all in. What if you knew you were in the most prestigious, safest and most modern building in Beaumont. And now imagine what if everyone else knew it too?