A Letter from God

Profile photo for John Rhodes
Not Yet Rated


I wrote this for my church and was encouraged to upload it to streaming platforms with a song that I had written

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
dear child, I am so pleased with you, just like my servants in the past, you are learning what it means to suffer Well as my apostle paul learned and encouraged others in this life that I've given you as a race and I want you to run it as if you're going for the win in order to claim the prize. I want you to remember the words that I gave my servant James, but I want you to count it joy when you meet various trials. These are making you more complete, just like my son jesus. As for the trials you are facing now, you've done well to remember that I'm not only with you, I'm never going to leave you. I told my friend moses to tell my servant Joshua that he ended up exhibiting such courage when he led my people into the land that I had promised them. But I think for your heart, the fact that you've run to the truth that I'm not only with you and never going to leave you, but I desire communing with you at a table that I prepare. That's what's been groundbreaking. I've seen your heart during the last several months, I've seen the stress and weight of life and the intricacies of every struggle that you've walked through. And your response has been to continually run to the well of life that I offer. When you restarted your journey with me. It was tough and your response. Time was slow. Now I'm seeing you plant yourself next to streams of water, like the blessed man in the book that the man after my heart, David wrote. You're seeking wisdom. And because I'm a generous God, I'm giving it to you. I am so glad in you when your heart becomes heavy and you run to me, it's because my son's burden is easy and his yoke is light. Keep trusting me. This life isn't going to get any easier. In fact, based upon the desires of your heart. It could become consistently more difficult. However, take heart for my son has overcome the world. Your fear of the future that keeps you awake sometimes, or makes you think when I might call you home, these things haven't happened. And it's not for you to know when the seasons of life change, it's for you to trust my infinite, all knowing, all powerful hand, don't lean on your own understanding in these things. I'll make straight your paths. And my child, my beloved child, when all is said and done, believe me, when I say that my son is preparing a place for you someday, when in my perfect timing all the things on this earth I have desired to accomplish or finish, I'm going to tell jesus, the one who saved you to go and bring the rest of my people home. Whether you're with them or whether you're in the ground that's not for you to know. It's only for you to obey the voice of my son when he says, rise. So keep your trust in me, my dear son and daughter, keep your eyes firmly fixed on the prize of my upward call in jesus, to my glory and the glory of my only son, whom you've put your trust in and in the love that I have shown in him, God.