Commercial Reel - Food/Retail/Pharma

Television Ad


This is a commercial reel featuring multiple spots from varying industries including;

- home/lifestyle
- pharmaceuticals
- food
- retail

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
So it's two in the morning and your starving nothing in the fridge. Nothing in the Cabinet will check out. 7 11 has got to be one right near you. Barbecues air, corn on the cub, elbows on the table and fireflies in a mason jar. And there's just one thing we want to change about yours. Improved. Kingsford charcoal. I hate Woody's. I'm the only dog on the block that doesn't get any love. And I tell you, I'm fed up. Only I work. Cat Ben and Jerry's organic ice cream is loaded with all the stuff you love, and then some key is in the certified organic ingredients. All this and a euphoric taste that certifiably Ben and Jerry's. Hi, we're bees and we're mad. Have you ever gone up to a B and said, Hey, you be thanks for inspiring the great taste of honey baked ham. No, you haven't. With the leave, you can stay strong longer because only a leave has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours. With just one pill, believe all day strong