Judd Shiffler E-Learning Demo

Video Narration


On this Demo you will hear 6 short clips of my E-Learning style of read according to the subject matter. I hope you enjoy what you hear as I would love to do your trainings for your organization.
Thank you

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Mid-Atlantic) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
welcome to the proposal process for government contracting from the V A to public universities and hospitals. Government agencies use a variety of methods to purchase goods or service's, which range from simple purchase orders to form Oh competitive procure mints and said's Have annals music. Anti prior etiquette. An anti inflammatory properties. They are thought to reduce the sensitization of pain receptors by inhibiting prostaglandins and thesis. Chemical contamination occurs when food comes into contact with chemicals and can cause chemical food poisoning. Some of the most common causes of chemical contamination are cleaning products or unwashed fruits and vegetables. Hey there, welcome to the people Analytics Gurukul, your People Analytics curriculum. Think of the Gurukul as your friend who will help you in your pursuit to learn and improve your knowledge on People Analytics. Three D properties could be displayed by a left click of the mouse on the three D Properties Tab. Three D Properties Data sets present the properties of three D objects logically grouped in the categories shown below. Hi there. Welcome to the virtual leadership campus. I am part of the management team here, and I will guide you through this training session and provide coaching tips along the way.