TV Advertisement - Motivational, Inspirational, Believable

Television Ad


A powerful and intriguing Television Advertisement demo.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
we go about our daily lives understanding almost nothing of the world way. Give little thought to the machinery that generates the sunlight that makes life possible. Gravity that glues us to unearth that would otherwise send us spinning off into space or to the atoms of which were made and on whose stability we fundamentally depend. Except for Children who I don't know enough not to ask the important questions. A few of us spend much time wondering why nature is the way it is, where the cosmos came from or whether it was always there. If time will one day flow backward or if effects proceed causes, or whether there are ultimate limits to what humans can no thes air, the fundamental questions we may never have answers for.