Audiobook Demo



5 audiobooks which are available at Audible, Amazon and iTunes:
The Assassination of John F. Kennedy (produced with music and sound effects)
Taxes For Small Businesses (voice only)
Murder on Steel Beach; The Murder of a U.S. Navy Captain (produced with music and sound effects)
Lone Star Unionisn- Dissent, and Resistance Other Sides of Civil War Texas (voice only)
Coyote Cal - Tales from the Weird West (produced with music and sound effects).

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated at 12 30 PM Central Standard Time on the 22nd of November in 1963 by Lee Harvey Oswald as he was traveling with his wife, the governor and the governor's wife in a presidential motorcade. The 35th president of the United States was assassinated on a Friday afternoon and the 10 month long investigation into that incident. The term small business is one that seems to have various definitions, depending on who you ask for. Some, it's a typical mom and pop grocery store in a quiet neighborhood have entered a state room. And luckily, Charlie wasn't there as he sat and started working on the arrangement. The first unwrapped there was a knock on his state room door. It was mad. Come on in. S K C M. Brown came in and sat down in Charlie's chair. Extras. Tiny desk Bob noticed the sweat bees dripping off of max forehead and around his open collar. One ice cold soda. There, Mac. Sure. Yes, sir. Well, Master Chief, you've done this before, so why don't you tell me what your best plan of attack is? Forgetting the cargo transferred according to this tentative ob scared that Lieutenant Vogel provided me in my in basket today. Well, so first is we've got 13 ships to receive cargo, including the USS George Shultz CV and 68. Much of what's referenced in the essays that follow subject of Civil War unionism, dissent and resistance remains at the margins of Texas history. Historians frequently point to the fact that over 14,000 Texans Chapter one Trail of Death noone came blazing hot, scorching anything stupid enough to be out in the open and blinding anyone dumb enough to glance upward with two riders on this dusty trail. Word stupid or dumb? They were Coyote cow and his trusty sidekick Big yeah, way must be quay v yap gasp! Hunkered down in a saddle, his grimy rivulets street is wise and face and invaded his grisly beard going all this way, Cal drew rein and frown. Yeah! Did you take out your teeth