Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Documentary



An unforgettable adventure of a photographer on a quest to capture it's magic.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
in America's far north, above the Arctic Circle. It is a place of extremes. Some people see it as a frozen wasteland, a great white nothingness. But is this really the case? Join National Geographic photographer Florian Schultz on a journey into a remarkable world. A wild country so vast it lets the I wander for miles and miles where animals have the freedom to roam. The question people call it the place where life begins. Here, some of the world's greatest wildlife spectacles unfold. It is the sarin Getty of the North. Imagine this place exists in America. The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. This is the first ever motion picture to fully reveal this unspoiled land, an unforgettable adventure of a photographer on a quest to capture its magic. It is a story of families as they're exploring the wild, but a threat looms. This land may never be the same, yet it's not too late to save it. This place is a refuge, the last pristine wilderness in America, and yet most people have never heard of it. Come on a journey to discover one of the last truly wild places in America's Arctic