Keaton - British - Business - Intelligent - Confident - Charismatic

Video Narration


A spot in British accent for Business that's Inspirational - Anthem - Bold - Gravitas - Intelligent - Confident - Charismatic spokesperson

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) North American (US Mid-Atlantic) Trans-Atlantic


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
What could the cloud do for you and your business? What if you knew the best options and how to proceed before you actually committed to a solution? Is that possible? Yes, it is with my nap from extension with mine. As you can see, the complexities solve for the complexities and simulate your very best cloud option or with an end to end view to help you make the right decision without spending a tonne of time and money on Ly Minow provides you with a complete perspective. You need to navigate the cloud from discovery and assessment to meet your specific need to determining the right cloud architecture by leveraging insights from our 30,000 plus cloud projects to simulating your solution. A scale to test its real value to your business when it's deployed. Also, you can lower your risk and maximise investments. Research shows that 2/3 of companies aren't seeing the expected benefits from the cloud migration. Isn't it time you tried something different? Something better. Find out what the right cloud solution could do for your business with minor from extension