Commercial & Narration (Real Person, Girl Next Door, Conversational)

Television Ad


Approachable, Articulate, Authentic, Believable, Calm, Caring, Casual, Charismatic, Comforting, Confident, Conversational, Dynamic, Easygoing, Educational, Emotional, Endearing, Engaging, Enthusiastic, Excited, Friendly, Genuine, Girl Next Door, Helpful, Imaging, Informative, Inspirational, Intelligent, Knowledgeable, Mature, Motivational, Narrator, Nurturing, Personable, Persuasive, Professional, Real Person, Reassuring, Relatable, Relaxed, Sincere, Soothing, Sophisticated, Trustworthy, Versatile, Warm

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
laying around, watching television, doing homework, painting the house, whatever it's spring break. Wouldn't you rather be dodging moguls and coasting down ski hills in the great work north? We've teamed up with our snow Crease sponsors to bring you the coolest winter holiday package ever qualify to win one of three great White North Prize packs for you and 20 of your closest friends. Are you king or Queen of the Hill? Find out this spring break. Enter the Great White North contest online or call us toll free. Treading carefully behind her mother, the young elephant learns to follow her elders, gaining a sense of safety and belonging. She's the newest member of her herd and will someday established herself as the leader of her own herd. But her time will come soon enough. Let me tell you about this new shampoo I've been using. It's not like your ordinary run of the mill. I share this with my husband Shampoo. No, this one goes beyond the call of duty to tame frizz, ease, vanish, split ends and most importantly, it gives you the confidence you need and a little bit of olive oil. Boom. Andrew has literally Greta has swimming. James has to be lessons. One. Am I ever gonna get out of this house? What's this? Mother Goose's Nannies and sitters? Things could be just what I need. Rest and relaxation away from the kids. I could spend more time with my girlfriends, go to the doctor's office or even take my husband out to the show. Thanks to Mother Goose's nannies, insiders picture you dream house a sprawling lakefront property with mature trees and a winding driveway through a wrought iron gate. Come in and talk to one of our mortgage specialists. Tell us about your dreams will make them a reality.