The Financial Diet Demo (Storyteller, Millenial, Business, Youthful)

Video Narration


This is a demo of an internet essay I did for 'The Financial Diet' team.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
growing up, I was always aware of money, It was always in the back of my mind. I grew up in a lower class asian family and didn't have the luxury of not knowing money existed as a kid, I put toys back at the supermarket because I saw the price tag and didn't want to ask my parents to buy them. They probably would have bought me anything I wanted. But because I was so aware of money and its limitations, I never wanted to put it on them to do so On February 28, 2010, 13 year old meat created an Excel document called record of money and saved it to my desktop. I just wanted a place where I could write down purchases so I wouldn't forget about them. I wanted to be able to look back months later and remember that vanilla frappuccino I bought with my best friend Kathy on the first day of school, I never thought that 10 years later that habit would turn me into a financially savvy 23 year old who loves personal finance and I learned some important money lessons along the way. Number one, writing down what you buy makes you more money conscious no matter what. At 13 I didn't know that tracking purchases was a popular tool. Financial experts recommended. I simply started doing it myself because I write them all down. I never feel lost in my finances. I know how to budget automatically because it's so easy to see what goes in and out of my bank accounts. The trick is in the act of writing things down when you do this, you automatically bring your attention to it. This helps your brain digest what you bought. And if you also write down why you bought an item, you can really evaluate your spending. This is the major difference between an Excel document and your credit card statement. Even if you simply right, I was born and I wanted it. You have a record of your reason for buying something now if that item appears again and again and the reason is always boredom. You know that boredom is a spending trigger. When you see all of your spending in one place, you will be able to better understand your spending habits. Here's the beginning of my money journey, number two you're spending evolves as you evolve as I got older. My responsibilities and expenses changed and so did my record of money Gone were the days of frivolous, lush face masks and $2 lip glosses. When I moved out rent was a new expense along with tuition and business expenses Things. My 13 year old self didn't even know existed. I wanted to know exactly how much my recurring monthly expenses were. So I placed them at the top of the list each month and added the rest of my purchases underneath. I made my document work for me as I grew up and I implemented a color system for different categories of spending and totals at the end of each month. So I could glance at my screen and know exactly where my money was heading.