Documentary Narration Demo

Profile photo for Kelly Furey
Not Yet Rated


Educational polar bear documentary narration demo.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The polar bear is a carnivorous bear whose native range lies largely within the Arctic Circle encompassing the Arctic Ocean, its surrounding seas and surrounding land masses. An adult male weighs around 1000 to £1600 while an adult female is about half that size. Although it is the sister species of the brown bear, it has evolved to occupy many body characteristics adapted for cold temperatures moving across snow, ice and open water focused on survival. The polar bear spends a significant amount of time searching for prey and employs many hunting methods. Bears commonly attacks seal birth lairs are stock seals resting on the ice pack. However, still, hunting is the most common tactic. It requires a bare toe wait motionless by an active breathing hole for long periods of time until the seal comes to the surface. Surprisingly, given the polar bear strength and agility, less than 2% of Hunt's proved to be successful. Even in areas abundant would seals, a bear may catch only one every four or five days,